Directing CX survey respondents to social platforms | XM Community
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We would like to encourage survey respondents to share their experience with our brand on their favorite social platform (Instagram, Facebook or Twitter) with pre-populated hashtags. What are some options and best practices? Is there a way to create hashtags automatically from survey data? (i.e. if we receive a 5-star rating we create a #happycustomer tag)
Yes in your survey data you can. So if rating comes 5 . Than apply branch logic and set embedded data say create variable rating and assign it a value #happycustomer. Similarly for other ratings you can classify your customer responses to different classifications like happy , neutral, sad.
Thank you for the quick reply. Is there a way to populate that in the social media post? Just thinking how to make it super easy for the user.
Once collected these customers emotions or happiness factors. How you want these to be displayed on social media say Twitter. I am not sure where actually you want to show. Do you want to show on you organisation page or somewhere else
> @Art said:

> Thank you for the quick reply. Is there a way to populate that in the social media post? Just thinking how to make it super easy for the user.

Do check this pages:




Once you decide the api to use from the above list, use web service in survey flow to trigger that.
Thank you @Sona

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