Displaying specific values based on response to previous question | XM Community
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Hello -
I am putting together a survey for my participants to use that has them select a value from a drop down menu through a drill down - excel csv. Essentially, the value is their location (e.g. Chicago, New York, etc.)
Here's where I am stuck - based on that selection, I would like to display specific external metrics pertaining to their location selection. These external metrics are currently in the excel csv. I have roughly 500 different locations so I don't want to use display logic. They do not need to make any more selections so the drill down option looks clunky as there is only 1 value in the metrics drop downs.
Qualtrics Survey Example.png
Is there a way to do this? I have attached a picture as an example.
I'm still very new to Qualtrics so hopefully this makes sense!

You can use the web service for this. Store your data at an external location and then pull the relevant one based on their selection.

Thanks ahmedA! I'll give it a try.

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