Integrating results from two different accounts which posted the same survey to a different audience | XM Community
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Hello Community,
My question is regarding integration of results of two different surveys posted from two different qualtrics accounts. The surveys are exactly the same in their content and questions, but were posted via two different channels (accounts) to two different sets of people (audiences).
Is there a possibility for me to integrate the results of the two survey without manually exporting the data in some format (xls., csv., spss., etc) and combining them in some other software package. Is there a possibility in the Qualtrics platform for me to integrate the results and generate a combined report from the two surveys?

Hi there-
You can integrate two datasets from two identical surveys. Qualtrics Support page actually offers a pretty good walkthrough of how to do so here:
Combining ResponsesThere is a step of export, but the integration of data does happen in Qualtrics, as opposed to an external software.
Hope this helps!

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