Multiple Choice Question mapped to specific Salesforce Accounts | XM Community
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I am working on mapping a volunteer liability release form survey on Qualtrics into Salesforce. Each volunteer's account is the university which they attend. On the release form, there is a multiple choice question with the university choices. I am wondering if there is a way to map these volunteers (all of whom are new contacts) to have the account of their University.
How do you distributing this survey? Do you know beforehand where they are from? In this case you can put the ID in the mailing list rather than asking.

Another option I see is to set SFAccountID as an embedded data in the survey flow. And Branch the value as, If University 1 selected set Embedded data SFAccountID=123,

If University 2 selected set Embedded data SFAccountID=456.

Then when mapping questions back, you can set sfAccountID=Embedded data "SFAccountID"
I would agree with what @MsIreen said. You're going to want to build a new field on the survey response object that allows for a Lookup to an account. Collecting the SfAccountId as a part of your embedded data flow, pipe that information back into the survey response object.

We collect all Contact and Account information and pipe it into the response the same way.

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