Passing fields from SFDC and back again | XM Community
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Hi all,

Time for another SFDC question from me. Here's my use case: When a case is closed in SFDC, a workflow triggers a satisfaction survey. If the result of the survey is bad (based on certain criteria), Qualtrics triggers an action to create a case. What I'm having an issue with though, is passing the original data through Qualtrics to SFDC. For instance, I'm passing the SFDC field AccountID into Qualtrics with the workflow but can't figure out how to pull it back out into the case. When I do the case insert, I do map the SFDC field AccountID to the Embedded Data field AccountID but it stays blank in the case creation.

How do I store that as embedded data to then pull it back out when I create the new case? I've tried putting AccountID and sAccountID as embedded data from a panel or URL but that doesn't seem to fill.

I'm sure it's possible! Any ideas?
Hi all! I heard back from support on this issue and thought I'd post here, just in case someone else has the same question in the future.

From support:

If you go to your Actions -> find an action with your workflow rule/action -> click on the task -> click on 'Show available Embedded Data,' you'll get a list of all the field names.

You'll need to make sure that the embedded data field you are using for Account ID is spelled exactly the same as it's displayed here. In this case, it looks like the correct name is 'accountid' (capitalization matters). You'll need to update that field in your Survey Flow if it isn't spelled exactly the same.

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