Track Response Rates in Tableau? | XM Community
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Track Response Rates in Tableau?

Is it possible to import in-progress responses to Tableau, in addition to complete responses? I've used the API in the past to import survey data into Tableau for analysis, but now I want to use the integration to create a dashboard of response rates for open surveys. Unfortunately, when I connect Qualtrics and Tableau, only completed responses are being displayed. However, in the list of variables to select for import, "progress" and "duration" are both options. Has anyone used the Tableau integration / Qualtrics PI in this or a similar manner? If so, how did you make it work? Thanks!
So you can't track in-progress responses, but you can track those that are incomplete but have been closed (which is when they're recorded). You can check what your survey is set to do with unfinished responses in the Survey Options. There's also a data field that is 'Finished', which is really easy to use to distinguish your complete and closed responses from your incomplete and closed responses in Tableau. Good luck!
That's not quite the direction I was going. Here is perhaps a better explanation of what I am trying to accomplish:

I am attempting to join survey data from Qualtrics (via the web connector) with an Excel list consisting of all people invited to take the survey. My goal is to have all cases from the original survey contact list present within my Tableau data source, along with the survey data for all people who responded to the survey. I'm hoping to use this join to calculate response rates based on various categorizations which are present in the contact list. However, when I join the data using Left Join in Tableau, it is behaving as a Full Outer Join instead - and all people from the contact list who did not take the survey are being removed from the data source. Has anyone been successful in joining Qualtrics and Excel data in Tableau? Any ideas what may be going on here?

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