Hi Alea,
I am currently also going through a custom email domain set up. A few things to keep in mind:
- Make sure you are working with your company IT team to get their input on the @ domain address. The Company may have some recommendations for this.
- We have both a noreply@nameofcompany email address, but the one we use for sending out the surveys is actually feedback@nameofthecompany.com
- Some companies prefer this to be more anonymous so they won't set up a custom email address and send emails from @qemailserver.com but keep in mind that this will be a conflict in domain names and may cause your email deliverability to suffer
I hope that is helpful.
ThomasW_IronMountain After three days the status of the domains are SPF Verfied, MX un verified and DomainKeys Identified Mail... Did you have the same problem? Thanks!!
Alea ,
No, we were able to get the MX verified within 24 business hours. If the MX remains unverified after 48 hours, I would recommend organizing a meeting with your IT team to ask them what they can do. If the IT team needs further assistance, then getting Qualtrics Customer Support on the line with your IT team is the next step that I would take.
Hi Thomas ,
I have a problem with the MX verification, because my cliente is already using this domain and don´t want to use a subdomain. Any idea of how can I solve it?
Ask to organize a meeting with your client's IT team to see what the options are. In my experience, the subdomain is the best way to go. For instance, we use
feedback.ironmountain.com & surveys.ironmountain.com
Then we have email addresses we've created around this:
Feedback@feedback.ironmountain.com & noreply@surveys.ironmountain.com
I would try to resolve their concerns about using a sub-domain as well.
Does that help?
I will do this.
Thanks you very much!