Can I filter only the answers from an individual response in a survey? | XM Community
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For example, I am doing a monthly survey over 20 sites. I need to know which sites answered "no" to any question in the survey. I only need to see the "no" answers in the final report, but I do not want it across all sites. I want the "no" answers for the individual sites. Can this be made into a single report?

If this doesn't make since, then please let me know and I will try to be clearer. Thank you for any response.
@Mary_Alice i am not sure I have understood correctly, but you can make a breakdown per site in every question in the report and use the conditions in the Manage filters, where you can set up a filter like "If any of the following is true:

Q1: No is selected

Q2: No is selected..., etc"
Unfortunately, that filter does not help because it filters the entire survey (responses from all 20 sites). I am trying to filter the individual responses as they come in.
@Mary_Alice Do you have a Vocalize license? There it is done quite easily.

A clarifying question, as i again may be understanding you wrong. You have a survey that is taken by 20 sites on a monthly basis. And you need to see from which site someone answered No for each of the questions. Can you just Untick the option Yes in the legend value for each visualisation?

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Mslreen - I really appreciate your help!

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