How can I analyse variables in SPSS which were randomised in Qualtrics? | XM Community
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For my Honours dissertation I am using a 2x2 experimental design with four treatments. I have conducted a pre-test survey on Qualtrics to test the images which I will use for the four treatments in the main study, and respondents were randomly allocated to one of the four conditions.

I am measuring the sustainability and aesthetic design of delivery packaging and I want to check the images are having the intended effect using a one-sample t-test on each condition to see if there was a significant difference in the perceived sustainability and aesthetic design of the delivery packaging from the neutral value (4) for EACH experimental condition.

I have exported my data from Qualtrics to show the randomisation but how can I now analyse the measures for the the different randomised groups?

Thanks in advance!
Hit the "more options" text on your download area, and select "export viewing order":


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