How do I export translated feedback? | XM Community
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I am relatively new to Qualtrics and have recently created a survey. This has been sent out to various countries so now I am looking to translate the feedback to English. I have figured out how to do this but when exporting the data, the feedback seems to go back to it's original language. Please can I have some advice on this?

Kind regards,

Hi @LaurenChun19 ,

Wanted to check if you have translated the comments using the "Translate comments" options in Data analysis tools.

If you have done the translations using this option you will be able to export the translated comments using the Data table Export format and not the Legacy Export Format.

Try using the Table export format.
Hi Sowrabh1993,

Thank you for contacting me regarding this.

I actually initially exported using the 'data table export format' so thought i'd also try the other option but unfortunately, I am still having the same issue. I don't suppose you'd know why this would be?
May I know how did u translate the comments?

I went onto 'data and analysis' and selected 'translate comments' and selected the questions that I wanted to be translated.
I am not sure why this isn't working on your end. It did work on my end and on exporting data it shows the translated column name appended with "EN" since I have translated to English.
Hi @LaurenChun19! Be sure to check out this support page about Translating Comments. Text Translation is a feature of the Advanced Text iQ. You'll want to contact your Account Executive or Brand Administrator for information on how to access these features. For any additional questions, feel free to reach out to our Support Team!

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