How long does it take for deleted responses to be processed? | XM Community
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I had to delete many unfinished responses and they have now been processing for a day. When will they finish processing?
Refresh your account. It depends on number of records you are deleting. No harm you can delete again.
I did refresh it numerous times, but it still says they are being processed.
How many records are there. If it is processing it will take time. Also sometimes our request get stuck so wait little more. In case it still processing raise to Qualtrics support they will release stuck commands.
Hey @AnafromO! If you have not yet already, I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team so they may further troubleshoot this with you, or escalate if necessary!
Anything ever come of this? I still have one pending as well.....been 24 hours now.

@AMLS I have it hanging sometimes for days.. So irritating.. Especially when they are deleted from the Data tab, but still from the Projects list you see a wrong number of responses...
> @MsIreen said:

> @AMLS I have it hanging sometimes for days.. So irritating.. Especially when they are deleted from the Data tab, but still from the Projects list you see a wrong number of responses...

I agree. 😕 It's happened before as well.

I guess this issue was something different....Here was the response from support after i was asked to refresh, clear cache/cookies, add a fake field to the settings, save and then remove (so it could try re-indexing)......I was trying to refresh a distribution table for response rates.

I don't think 100% believe this is accurate as I have done this before without issues. But here was the response.

_"In taking a closer look at your Vocalize dashboard, I am able to see what is causing the issue.

In Vocalize, distribution mapping behaves independently from response mapping, so even though the test response was deleted, it still will show up in the dashboard.

Therefore, I would recommend adding a date filter to this widget such that it does not display responses before Dec 19th. This will effectively remove this response from the widget".__

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