How to get a count of the final page visited on survey | XM Community
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Hello I wanted to see what is the best way to count the final page that a user has visited on a survey.

A little back ground. I have created an assessment page that uses page logic to determine what final page will show up for individuals based on their selected answer. I need to see if there is a way to pull the data on the last visited page.
You might not be able to do this retroactively, but I would use some embedded data that would travel with the user. For example, the embedded data would be Last Page (make sure it is Text Set for later use). Everytime the participant made it two a new page you would update the embedded data Last Page to reflect that. It would go Last Page = Page 1 and eventually using survey logic you would set Last Page = Page 2 or whatever.

Make sense?
It does make sense, however, since the the question blocks are using display logic for multiple results on one block it will account for all questions within that block. I might just try to use a scoring system to extract the data based on a metric. Didn't want to go on this route.

Thank you for your answer though, I wish I had thought of using embedded data to account for page visit. I will ensure to do this in the future. 🙂 Thank you again.
No problem.

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