Stats iQ shows no significant relationship | XM Community
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I have created a survey test on Qualtrics and, after running a test survey with 100 participants, I am trying to analyze the data.

When I go in the Data & Analysis tab and I select 2 different variable and try to relate them, as result I get the graph but with the title: "There is no statistically significant relationship between Q11: Are you male or female? and Coffee".

How can I make the correlation significant? Should I run the test with more participants or should I use different questions?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Hello @Alessandro a correlation means that there is a strong relation between the variables, for example if the stats iq shows you that there is a correlations it would mean that for example being a women and drinking coffee has a relation, what stats iq is showing you is that it is not related to having coffee with being a woman or a man. You can try having a bigger sample of respondents but having that does not mean that is going to be a strong relation between the variables. If you want to know more about correlations you can check this page

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