Tips for Designing Action-Centric Dashboards for Executives | XM Community
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Tips for Designing Action-Centric Dashboards for Executives

  • 1 September 2023
  • 1 reply
Tips for Designing Action-Centric Dashboards for Executives

Dashboards are a critical XM tool and when designed well, dashboards allow executives to surface risk and opportunity, track indicators of future financial performance, and prioritize investments.

Check out this blog post with our tips and strategies for making the most out of your dashboards!

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +27

Great blog post.  Really appreciate this one and hopefully we can see similar aimed at different dashboard users in future l i.e. frontline users.  

I’d love to also see a library of examples from Qualtrics end.  Understanding the challenge to pull this together and keep agnostic to all use cases, however I think when it comes to good UX and dashboard designs visual examples always help to compare against.

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