Weekly Product Release Notes - November 3, 2021 | XM Community
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Weekly Product Release Notes BannerRECENT UPDATES | RELEASED ON OR BEFORE November 3, 2021


  • Creating an EmployeeXM Project: When creating an engagement, lifecycle, ad hoc employee research, or 360 project, you can now choose to upload a QSF file of a previous project from right inside the catalog.

  • CX Dashboards

  • CX User Management Updates: Updates to the User Admin tab within CX Dashboards, including a new Unique IDs section and a UX refresh. This feature will be rolling out to customers starting November 3 and concluding November 8.

  • XM Directory

  • Segments Based on Survey Responses: Users now have the ability to create XM Directory Segments based on survey responses.

  • XM Platform

  • View All Projects: Using the dropdown next to Projects and Programs, you can now view a list of all projects in your account.

  • Workflows

  • Health Connect Event: Update to the Health Connect event to support four additional message types: RDE,RAS, RGV, SIU.


    XM Solutions

  • Concept Testing Program: Validate your best product ideas with this new program, which allows you to manage multiple concept tests in one place. Comes with a comparison of performance across all concept tests.

  • CX & EX Dashboards

  • Text iQ Bubble Chart Widget: You can now choose which topics to display and which to hide in your widget and edit topic names.

  • Dashboard Translation: You can now translate the names of topics displayed in Text iQ bubble and table widgets.


  • If you have any questions about the product updates featured in this list, our support team is happy to help you with your request. 

  • If you have questions about what’s on the product roadmap, please see our Product Roadmap page. If you’d like to contribute to the product roadmap, please visit the Product Ideas category.

  • You can provide feedback on the Weekly Product Release Notes here.

*Disclaimer: Release dates are approximate and are subject to change. Not every feature is guaranteed to be included in Upcoming Features.

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