Weekly Product Release Notes - October 07, 2019 | XM Community
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Weekly Product Release Notes - October 07, 2019

  • 30 January 2020
  • 0 replies

Pages that are bolded indicate new product features or new support pages.


1. Getting Help & Providing Feedback: Submitting an Idea: Directions on the new ideation process.

2. Collaborating on Projects: Trial accounts can now collaborate. All corresponding sections / notes modified.

3. Trial Accounts: See above.


1. Focus Areas Widget: Interpretation: Added a section called “Order of Cards.”

2. Participants Basic Overview (360): General improvements.

3. Unique Identifiers (360): General improvements.

4. Adding Subjects, Evaluators, & Managers (360): General improvements. Clarification on status / project connections with participant updates.

5. Participant Information Window (360): General improvements.

6. Participants Options (360): Clarifications around the options “Allow Unsolicited Evaluations” and “Anyone not currently in the assessment.”

CX Dashboards

1. Text iQ Table Widget: New widget for customers with Text iQ on their dashboards.

2. Focus Areas Widget: Interpretation: Added a section called “Order of Cards.”

BX (New!)

1. Brand Experience Projects: General guide to BrandXM Solutions. Similar to standard survey-based solutions. Live in the marketplace for purchase.

2. Brand Tracker Projects: General guide to Brand Tracker solutions. Dashboards function like CX ones. Live in the marketplace for purchase.


1. TURF Analysis: Whitepaper on TURF analysis, a feature currently in preview.

Website / App Feedback

1. Feedback Button Creative: Feedback Tab creative has been deprecated; new Feedback Button has replaced it.

2. Adding an Iframe Title to an Embedded Target: New functionality.

3. Display Options: Embedded windows now have an iframe title field.
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