Adding a ServiceNow Event in Workflow | XM Community
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I’m trying to create a workflow with ServiveNow Event. I added the account using Basic auth giving Servicenow username and password and in the next step when I give the instance name it is showing me ‘Invalid credential or instance name’. I am sure I’m giving the right instance name but son’t understand why it is throwing the error. Should the details be added anywhere else?

Please help me out

Hello @Susmitha Vangala

Please double-check your credentials as they may be incorrect. Additionally, you can also add these credentials in the 'Extension' settings.

The credentials are working fine for other API calls. I have added the account in extension too. But while configuing the workflow, it is asking for instance name and when I give one it is not accepting.

From the url  -  instance name is abc123. This is the format I’m following

Hello @Susmitha Vangala

It appears that in the support page, they used 'abc123' as an example. If you're using that, please ensure to add your instance name. You can obtain the instance name from your team member who manages ServiceNow.

It's crucial that the creator of the workflow has access to the ServiceNow credentials used in the ServiceNow task for the workflow to run properly.

@Sachin Nandikol I ‘m not exactly using abc123. I’m using the instance name from  my servicenow url 🙂. But I just have a doubt if that instance name should be configured else where also because we’re not able to verify it here

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