Any luck using Python to import contacts? | XM Community
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I'm trying to import contacts via v3 of the api. I found some errors in their example script, and made some tweaks to get it to work properly with Python's requests module. When I run my script, I get a 200-OK response, but when I check on my import progress, I get that it is 100% complete, 0 were added, 0 updated, and 0 failed. And when I check my mailing list, nothing has been added.

If I rename one of my contact fields, I get a "400 - Bad Request" with an error message of "Invalid panelMember field provided", so I know I'm talking with the server.

Here's a minimum working sample to reproduce the problem: (just replace Token,MailingListID, and DataCenter)


import requests

import json

dict_Contacts = [


"id": "MLRP_123456789012345",

"firstName": "ExampleFirstName",

"lastName": "ExampleLastName",

"email": "",

"language": "SP",



"embeddedData": {"ExampleField1":"example_field_val_1", "ExampleField2":"example_field_val_2"}



Token = 'My_Token'

MailingListID = 'My_Mailing_List'

dataCenter = 'My_Data_Center'

url = "https://{0}{1}/contactimports/".format(dataCenter, MailingListID)

headers = {

'x-api-token': Token,



json_string = json.dumps(dict_Contacts)

files = {'contacts': ('contacts', json_string, 'application/json')}

request =, headers=headers, json={'contacts':dict_Contacts})


I found the solution. If you are importing a new contact, don't include an `id`. If a contact has an `id` that doesn't match any of the `id`s in the mailing list, Qualtrics skips the contact, rather than importing it as a new one.

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