API to upload a CSV email list | XM Community
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Hello All: I am a newbie and am in the need of the uploading my contact list via API (C#). Where can I find a sample API code for this? Thank you;
Hi @Ben_Khosro1! If you haven't looked already, our API Documentation is a good place to start!
Thank you for your reply Emily. The documentation is vague and not clear. I've looked at the documentation a lot and still my question is not answered. I'm stumbling through the APIs as the documentation is not user friendly.
Has anyone successfully tried to upload a CSV (or JSON) contact list file to Qualtrics using their API? I've tried many different options and nothing works. In my latest attempt I got the following message:


"meta": {

"httpStatus": "500 - Internal Server Error",

"error": {

"errorMessage": "Internal server error. Please contact Qualtrics support.",

"errorCode": "G_2",

"instanceId": null


"requestId": "f287a0bb-232a-44e9-9c66-e89f32c41ddf"



Thank you
Hi Ben,

Could you provide the code you're using? It's hard to help you without knowing what you've tried already.
I've attached my script file. I could not write here as this web page would give errors. Please see attached. Thank you;
Hey @Ben_Khosro1! It looks like you have a qtrial account, which does not have the API permission enabled. If this is not the case and you have another account, I would recommend reaching out to our Support team. An Integrations/API specialist will be able to dive deeper into this specific inquiry!
Any update on this topic? I am currently experiencing the same issue

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