Beginner question about Surveys and integrations | XM Community
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I am brand new to Qualtrics API so I appreciate everyone' patience with my boring questions but I am hoping to save me some time.

Can you call the Qualtrics API and have it send out a specific survey to a distribution list of contacts\\emails?

Is this done with one REST API call or do you have to use the Webhooks and listener? If you can provide a direction on this that would be great.

Also a requirement for us is to have specific survey responses linked to our internal project numbers. So we have many different project numbers and we need to link survey's and survey responses to a specific project number on our end. What would you recommend as a best way to do this?
Yes, you can use the API to send a specific survey to a contact list. Check out the following link:

You will need to collect several ids from your survey, your contact list, the message in the email, etc. Some of this can be obtained by going to Account Settings -> Qualtrics IDs, and the rest would need to be obtained through other API calls.

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