Created QuestionID using API is not the one from request parameters | XM Community
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I am trying to create a question using API (

Here is an example of request json:

QuestionID matches described pattern in documentation:

But in response I receive different incremental QuestionID:

And then when I create responses export it’s also used in response json:

How to pass a QuestionID so that it’s not overridden internally and is further used in responses? Or is there a way to add question DataExportTag to export result?

Hi @prvit,


I don’t see anything specific to point out, but can recommend you to try out few things to see if any of them works:

  1. Can you try to add a different QID and see if it works? May be try to keep the string smaller like QID77 or QID999
  2. Can you try to add “QIDxx_TEXT” as I assume it’s a single line open end question that you are creating.

Hi @prvit,


I don’t see anything specific to point out, but can recommend you to try out few things to see if any of them works:

  1. Can you try to add a different QID and see if it works? May be try to keep the string smaller like QID77 or QID999
  2. Can you try to add “QIDxx_TEXT” as I assume it’s a single line open end question that you are creating.

Hi @Sowrabh1993 

  1. I already tried many different combinations of different alphanumeric values and just small integers after QID, it’s always returning incremented ID and not a custom one. Just tried with QID11 but returned one was next increment QID9.
  2. Just tried with _TEXT suffix, that also didn’t work.

@prvit , Please check with Qualtrics support if there’s any dependency on any element while setting up Question ID.

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