Dynamically answers | XM Community
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Hi all,

I am programming a survey in Qualtrics. I have the next type of question:

1. Select the municipality and department of residence.

Department: Dropdownlist

Municipality: Dropdownlist

*For each municipality selected we have names of candidates f. I want to put these names like a choice of the answer in other questions, for example:

2. Who do you think will win from the following list of candidates? of de municipality selected:

1. Candidate 1

2. Candidate 2

3. Candidate 3

I want to automatize this process because I have more 600 municipalities each one with 2 candidates at least.

I want to do something similar to pull data of SurveyCTO, where I import a database and the label of choices will change depends on the answer selected.

For example:

2. Who do you think will win from the following list of candidates? of de municipality selected:

1. ${Candidate 1}

2. ${Candidate 2}

3. ${Candidate 3}

Thanks a lot for your help.
I recommend using an external database and creating a web service script that takes the department and municipality as inputs and outputs the appropriate list candidates as json. Use a survey flow web service call to call the script and have it populate embedded variables that you can pipe into your question.

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