Forcing the statements column in matrix table to zero | XM Community

Forcing the statements column in matrix table to zero

  • 24 February 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi I want to use a matrix table without a visable statement column, so it is forced to 0 / or as narrow as possible / hidden. This was working before, on a survey with the same design: I just put   in the column and dragged it as far left as I could, and this was narrow enough. But now I can't seem to get the width to be less than 100px on mobile using the same technique.

It's just a one row matrix table and the resaon I'm using it is so that I can force the likert scale to be horizontal also on the mobile. But I also like it to be stretched out across the whole screen, as I'm using some little images above each radio button and I want to allow these to be as large as they can be given the screen size. Also it looks neater if the likert aligns with the width of the question above (see below).

Not sure why dragging it doesn't work now, can I force it with javascript somehow?

Is this the right forum btw? My first post 😀

Kind regards,


1 reply

Did a better serach and found the answer 🙂

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .c1").hide();

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