Get Response Export via API | XM Community
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I've been pulling out survey responses using Qualtrics's API function. However, I seem to be getting the responses as numeric values instead of choice text and this creates a difficult in automating this process. I've tried using the useLabel = false in the API call but it still seems to default to the numeric values. Are there any thing other parameters that I should put in place to get the responses as choice text?

I'm currently using both Legacy Create Response Export and Legacy Get Response Export File. The new Get Response Export function doesn't seem to work at my end.

I'm really struggling with this and hope someone could assist.
@EmilyG , You should try using useLabel = true
Hi @EmilyG, do you have code that you can share? it's tough to diagnose the issue without seeing the api requests you're sending
Hey @EmilyG! Be sure to check out our API documentation. If you still have additional questions, we recommend reaching out to our Support Team, as they will be able to further troubleshoot with you!
Hi Team, I am not able to export selected columns V3 API export.It is giving me an error saying KeyError('result',).

Please help.

Below id the code sample:

# Step 1: Creating Data Export

downloadRequestUrl = baseUrl

downloadRequestPayload = '{"format":"' + fileFormat + '","startDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z","endDate": "2019-01-05T13:36:24Z","questionIds":["Q01A","Q01B","Q01C"]}'

downloadRequestResponse = requests.request("POST", downloadRequestUrl, data=downloadRequestPayload, headers=headers)

progressId = downloadRequestResponse.json()["result"]["progressId"]

Hello All,

I had a similar situation with my client and I made use of the following JSON in order to get labels instead of numeric value:


"format": "csv",

"useLabels": true


Using useLabels, I was able to get the label value instead of numeric values.



@AAnuragDAS: Where you able to solve this? I'm having exactly the same issue right now.
Thanks, Nadine

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