How do I pass surveyMetadataIds in the export-responses API? | XM Community

How do I pass surveyMetadataIds in the export-responses API?

  • 27 January 2021
  • 1 reply

I am trying to pass surveyMetadataIds in the export-responses API, but keep running into an error.
Here is the body of my request:
"format": "csv",
"breakoutSets": false,
"compress": true,
"exportResponsesInProgress": false,
"formatDecimalAsComma": "false",
"includeDisplayOrder": "false",
"limit": 6000,
"multiselectSeenUnansweredRecode": -2147483648,
"seenUnansweredRecode": -2147483648,
"timeZone": "America/Denver",
"useLabels": true,
"allowContinuation": false,
"includeLabelColumns": false,
"startDate": "2020-12-01T21:21:29.373507400Z",
"surveyMetadataIds": [
"\\finished\\" 1"
Here is the error I get:
"errorCode": "RTE_2",
"errorMessage": "The following invalid columns were requested: [\\finished\\" 1]"
Based on the information in this link, I believe I am passing this correctly, but I must be missing something.

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

There is no colon. ["finished": 1] although it might require ["finished":TRUE]

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