How do you associate 'Get Survey' .json file with 'New Response Export' .json file? | XM Community
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Background: I am trying to transition from Legacy Response Export to New Response Export. I already have scripts using Get Survey ( to gather information about my surveys (as .json files) and Legacy Response Export ( to get the data (as .json files). My scripts could automatically link the files using exportColumnMap from the 'Get Survey' file [see green highlights] and labels on the responses in the 'Response Export' file. With the new 'Response Export' the responses are labeled with QID [see orange highlights] instead of labels matching exportColumnMap like in the legacy export.

Question: So, how would you use scripts to associate 'Get Survey' .json file with 'New Response Export' .json file? This is not a coding question, I'm asking what field(s) match between these two files that will allow them to be used in conjunction?

Related Questions that would still be very helpful to me: What is the point of the exportColumnMap if not to map to the 'Response Export'? Why did Qualtrics change the way the exported data are labeled and should we anticipate they will change again? How are the QID labels generated in the new export? Do others agree that the 'Get Survey' file does not match well with the the new exports? Can I guarantee long-term continued stability and usability of the Legacy exporter (and thus just forget about transitioning to the new one)?

Other information about my use case: I'm dealing with many large surveys that need to be processed automatically, my surveys do and must continue to utilize Export Tags and Recodes, and much of the information in 'Get Survey' file is critical to my application.

From the 'Get Survey' file:



From the 'New Response Export' file:

After a long time and a much too long email thread with Qualtrics support, I've finally been told that this isn't possible. Why would Qualtrics make 'Response Export' and 'Get Survey' such that they cannot be used together? Still unknown. On the other hand, I've also been told that there are no immediate plans to deprecate 'Legacy Response Export' (v3), so I'm going to going to continue to use that.
I was pulling my hair out trying to figure this out as well. I'm really wishing I didn't need to download the .csv using to parse the header to get the data mapping.

Question for Qualtrics, why is this mapping included in the CSV and not the json export data?
I am just finding this out myself as we are trying to bring in our data into our data warehouse. This is not good. I second the question "why is this mapping included in the CSV and not the json export data?"

After four years, this still seems to be a problem. Has anyone determined a way to obtain a mapping of the export question id to the internal question id values?

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