How to log in in Qualtrics Offline app (Android) via API token | XM Community
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I'm currently collecting data through the offline app with the help of 80+ assessors. I let the assessors download the app en log in via the API token. The assessors used to log in by double tapping the icon to show hidden fields.

Since the update, the new assessors on Android tablets in my research seem to be unable to log in to the app using the API token. The hidden fields are not shown and they need to add a username and password. Double tapping on the Qualtrics XM logo takes them to another screen. When someone taps next to the box where someone can log in, the old log in screen appears for just a second. And then it goes again. How can I let my assessors log in, and fill in my instrument without giving them my personal password?

EDIT: The assessors using an iPad don't get the log in screen with Qualtrics XM, but are able to click on the tool to log in. They don't experience any issues.
Screenshot of Android Tablet log in screen.

So I got in contact with the Support team and they had some good and bad news for me. For the record: I'm a PhD-student at the KU Leuven university so my username is because my Qualtrics log-in is through my organisation.

First, the bad news;

"I just confirmed with my manager and this is indeed a new update on the system which will not allow for using API tokens as log in credentials anymore. People with older versions will still be able to log in with the token but people with the newest versions will need the password. There is unfortunately no workaround for this."

Second, the good news;

By changing my password by using the "Reset my password"-link through the app, and using the new password I can now easily log in and download the surveys.

The password can be anything I want, so it's very userfriendly to send this to all my assessors.

The Support Team was great in helping me find a way to solve this problem.

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