How to return a successful response after a Qualtrics Action Post | XM Community
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I have made an 'Action' that posts whenever a survey is submitted to an AWS server passing the Survey ID and Response ID in a 'POST' so I can then do a 'GET' to retrieve the full survey response. I am following the HttpRequest server as demonstrated here:

Everything is working correctly, and I can successfully do the GET, the only problem is that the 'Action' is not getting a successful response from the server so the 'POST' is logging as 'Failed' and making multiple retries over 2.5 minutes with the following 'Task Output':


"needRetry": true,

"name": "TaskHandlerError",

"message": "Error: socket hang up"


I have tried returning a response of '200 - OK' in several ways, but none seem to work, including a 'self.send_response(200)' in the 'do_POST' function. Any documentation or ideas on how to get Qualtrics to receive a successful 'POST" response in Python?
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