How to use the Qualtrics API in conjunction with Power BI? | XM Community
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I've been doing research for a long time now and I see no clear way on how to connect Power BI and Qualtrics through the Qualtrics API. What I'm aiming to do is automate the process of importing survey results into Power BI. Currently I just have a spreadsheet that I manually add new survey results to as they come in. I got instructions on how to do it with the 2.5 version which seemed easy, but I've been advised to stay away from that now and do it the v3 way. The v3 way makes 0 sense to me and seems not possible to directly connect to Power BI.
This is super easy to do with an API. Allows automated Power BI updates once imported.

Try this as a web CSV import -

https://YOUR DATA CENTER ntrolPanel&Version=2.5&Request=getLegacyResponseData&User=USER ID&Token=TOKEN HERE&Format=CSV&SurveyID=SURVEY ID


Your data center ID is in the root URL.

The root URL for communicating with the Qualtrics system is:

Like M in Power Query? Here's the code, just copy a table and replace its code with the following:


Source = Csv.Document(Web.Contents(" ID&Token=TOKEN HERE&Format=CSV&SurveyID=SURVEY ID HERE&Labels=1"),[Delimiter=","]),

#"Removed Top Rows2" = Table.Skip(Source,1),

#"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(#"Removed Top Rows2", [PromoteAllScalars=true])


#"Promoted Headers"
I've been having issues with trying to do it this way. I just always get an error message saying it can't find the user.

Users who used version 2.5 of the API prior to it being deprecated got grandfathered in. Any other users don't have access to that version. You'll probably have to use the new API (which requires more steps).
Thanks Tom. I was unfortunately told that as well by the support team. Not familiar with Python but this seems to be the only way to do this now.
> @RCBIZMarketing said:

> Thanks Tom. I was unfortunately told that as well by the support team. Not familiar with Python but this seems to be the only way to do this now.

You can use any web based script (python, php, etc.).

Here is an alternative way to connect to PowerBI without coding can't login, I believe this is due to my login to qualtrics happening via SSO, does anyone have a solution for this?

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