I want to direct every new participant to a unique/different block. Is this possible? | XM Community
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Hello experts,
I want to run an experiment in which I need to direct every single participant to a different external website. Therefore, I would like to show participant #1 Link #1, participant #2 Link #2 and so on.  
Is there a way to count how many participants have started the survey? I read that it could be possible to set up a quota and count how many participants have already finished the survey. However, if participant #1 and #2 start at the same time, then they'd both unfortunately see Link #1. 
I also thought about just creating one condition for every possible participant. Let's say I predict 100 participants will participate, that'd mean 100 conditions, so 100 unique blocks. However, I could just randomize them into the conditions, meaning that two participants might end up in the same condition. Or is there a way to direct participants to a block and then prevent any other participant to ever be directed to that block again?

Use embedded data for your external url and pipe it as needed. Then you can have a survey flow randomizer with 100 embedded data blocks that assign the value of the url to 100 different values. Set the randomizer to display 1 of 100 and check "Evenly present"

Thank you for your quick answer! 
Unfortunately I ran into some other issues and it now seems unlikely that I can go this route, but if I do I'll do as you suggested.
I noticed that you commented on a question regarding tableau and POST request, if you'd have some idea on the issue I am facing now, I would much appreciate your feedback: https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/12042/automatically-login-to-tableau-without-disclosing-user-name-and-password-to-my-participants/p1?new=1

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/29612#Comment_29612I tried it out, but doesn't my original problem persist?
I created a randomizer and added 100 embedded data elements. Each element has the same field I called"URL" but with different values. For example, the first element has one field "URL" = "Link1", the second element "URL" = "Link2" etc..
Setting the randomizer to display 1 of 100 and checking "Evenly present" only roughly randomizes. It doesn't make sure that each participant gets a unique Link. By chance, participant 1 and 2 could both be assigned "Link1".

Setting the randomizer to display 1 of 100 and checking "Evenly present" only roughly randomizes. It doesn't make sure that each participant gets a unique Link. By chance, participant 1 and 2 could both be assigned "Link1". -> For this kind of setup you need to create an external webservice, which will be called using web service element of the survey flow. This web service will assign unique link to 100 respondents.

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/29633#Comment_29633Interesting. I have no experience with webservices, how complex would you rate setting up such a web service if you are a complete beginner? How much time needs to be invested? (I just have some basic java and R programming skills, and very very basic HTML skills).

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/29637#Comment_29637You will need a web hosting account with database, and knowledge of PHP.

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/29638#Comment_29638Thank you! I will see if this is something I can do.

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