In export-responses/ API V3 how do I get the tags associated with each question? | XM Community

In export-responses/ API V3 how do I get the tags associated with each question?

  • 28 January 2022
  • 2 replies

The API,, returns the internal IDs for each question instead of the assigned/updated tags.
This is the question:
image.pngAnd the API response (XML format) for the question is: (QID2)
image.pngIs there an option for the API to return/export the updated question ID (PRMYSTS)?
Thanks for your time!

2 replies

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I'm not entirely certain, but there is an R package called qualtRics and it pulls in the questions to a dataframe. These are all of the possible arguments that can be passed.
function (surveyID, last_response = deprecated(), start_date = NULL, 
 end_date = NULL, unanswer_recode = NULL, unanswer_recode_multi = unanswer_recode, 
 include_display_order = TRUE, limit = NULL, include_questions = NULL, 
 save_dir = NULL, force_request = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, 
 label = TRUE, convert = TRUE, import_id = FALSE, time_zone = NULL, 
 breakout_sets = TRUE, add_column_map = TRUE, add_var_labels = TRUE, 
 col_types = NULL, ...) 
Intuitively I would guess it is the "include_questions" parameter but I've not tested it. I would start there.

Thanks. I will look into the package.

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