Integration with custom application | XM Community
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We are thinking of storing all the survey responses from qualtrics in custom application. We have data coming from various sources in this custom application and use this for preparing reports for management. The challenge that we are facing is to find a way for integrating survey results through API.

Please let me know if there is any way to push the survey results to external application in real-time.
Hello @sampath ,

Please see this page

By survey result, do you mean survey response?
This link will also help :

you can import responses from different sources to qualtrics and can use this data for reporting on real time in vocalize.

You can create a Survey Action that runs a web service upon survey completion that retrieves the response data using the Qualtrics API and stores/sends it to your application. You'll want to use getLegacyResponseData in v2.5 of the Qualtrics API. It allows you to easily get single response using ResponseID.
@TomG Thank you very much for the response. Tried this option to setup Survey Action but stuck as i am not sure if this web service is being triggered. Do you have sample code to check if i missed anything.
To check if there is an error in calling web service

please add below 2 embedded data in web service section:

StatusCheck = meta.httpStatus

StatusMessage = meta.error.errorMessage

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