Is it possible to upload more than 5 files to a response? | XM Community
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Hi, so I need to move a survey from one instance to another and the survey response can allow more than 5 files to be uploaded. Since it seems like you are not able to import/export files from the API directly, the other method I had to transfering data was creating a response since you could add files that way. The API docs say you can upload up to 5 files at once, which is fine by itself but there I can’t find a way to add more files past those 5. Is there a way to add more than 5 files through the API?

@KShivum , 

Well, this might not be the answer you want but in my humble opinion, there is no way to upload more than 5 files at once through the Qualtrics API. This is a limitation of the API and cannot be changed.

However, there are a few workarounds you can consider:

  1. Combine the files: If possible, you could combine the multiple files into a single file before uploading it. This would allow you to upload all the necessary data within the 5-file limit.

  2. Upload the files separately: If combining the files is not feasible, you could consider uploading the files separately and then linking to them in the survey response. You could use a file-sharing service (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive) to host the files and then provide links to the files in the survey response.

  3. Use a file-naming convention: If you need to upload more than 5 files, you could consider using a file-naming convention to differentiate between the files. For example, you could include a prefix or suffix to indicate the order of the files (e.g., "file1_", "file2_", etc.). Then after the first upload, delete the first five files. Then run the upload again to capture files 6-10, etc. This would allow you to upload more than 5 files with unique names.

I hope this is somewhat helpful. 

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