Is there a time delay in downloading responses to Survey? | XM Community
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I am trying to set up an integration between a Qualtrics survey and an RShiny app. The intention is that upon completion of the survey participants are redirected to a Shiny app for immediate feedback using their ResponseID to match.

It generally works - the Shiny app is able to download the survey responses directly from qualtrics and provide the kind of reporting I intend. However, it seems that it takes quite some time (15 minutes perhaps?) between a response being recorded (and being available to download manually for example) and the response also appearing when I download the survey through the API (using the qualtRics package). Is this delay normal or is something going wrong on my side? What could be reasons if the latter?
I think it's normal, I have experienced a bit of delay also. I don't have those time constraints but sometimes it takes a couple of minutes before I can see the response.

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