Is there a way to autofill reponses from a database? | XM Community
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As a user, I have a form with 11 inputs, then at the bottom is a selection "Do you have another container?" I would like to programmatically populate each entry from a database, have the code check "Yes" or "No", then move on. There can be 10+ containers. Is this possible?
Hi @Kenneth_S! I recommend taking a look at the Web Service feature. You may be able to get data using this feature and then use Javascript in the survey to perform the logic you need. This Question API resource has some good information about what is possible.
Since I didn't create the survey, can I still use this method? The survey is from a different department and I need to supply answers from my custom database (Access). I'm very new to java script, but not programming (40+ years) or HTML. I can embed a web browser in Access and work from there if needed. I thought of getting the input box names and using java script to fill them. However, I'm not sure how the inputs are named or if they can be accessed.
Hi @Kenneth_S - Sorry, I'm not familiar enough with Access to know what would be possible. However, I can say that you'd need to work with the owner of the survey to update the survey configuration.

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