Is there an api(code) to get Block Id? | XM Community
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I see that we can get SurveyID of the survey by using "${e://Field/SurveyID}". It returns "SV_cLN90pgyRKaCeDr" of below URL.

I need a way to get block id(BL_1z5AE1U5mJzKem9).
No, sorry.
I'm using BlockID in some jQuery that Mohammedali_Rajapakar_Ugam wrote. I found my BlockID by building a Table of Contents and then inspecting the jump link. In this screenshot, the ID is "FL_5" and is found in the parent `<a>`.

I don't think this is exactly what you're asking, but I hope it helps.

You can also find the "Flow ID" by checking the "Flow ID" checkbox

You can find it on the top-right corner in survey flow.

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