JSON | Answer mapping to survey questions | XM Community
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We are having a slight issue where we are trying to match our answers to the proper questions through the JSON export process.

When we pull the questions for the survey we get the question:

1.2 which is a side by side matrix question.



"QID18": {

"questionType": {

"type": "SBS",

"selector": "SBSMatrix",

"subSelector": null


"questionText": "<strong>1.2 - Gelieve onderstaande tabel in te vullen:</strong>",

"questionLabel": null,

"questionName": "1.2",

"validation": {

"doesForceResponse": false


"columns": {

"1": {

"questionType": {

"type": "Matrix",

"selector": "TE",

"subSelector": "Long"


"questionText": "Click to write Column 1",

"questionLabel": null,

"validation": {

"doesForceResponse": false


"choices": {

"1": {

"recode": "1",

"description": "Naam vennootschap",

"choiceText": "Naam vennootschap",

"imageDescription": null,

"analyze": true




"2": {

"questionType": {

"type": "Matrix",

"selector": "TE",

"subSelector": "Long"


"questionText": "Click to write Column 2",

"questionLabel": null,

"validation": {

"doesForceResponse": false,

"type": "ValidNumber",

"settings": {

"maxDecimals": 0,

"maximum": 0.0,

"minimum": 0.0



"choices": {

"1": {

"recode": "1",

"description": "Ondernemingsnummer",

"choiceText": "Ondernemingsnummer",

"imageDescription": null,

"analyze": true





"subQuestions": {

"1": {

"recode": "1",

"description": "Test",

"choiceText": "Test",

"variableName": null,

"imageDescription": null


"2": {

"recode": "2",

"description": "Test2",

"choiceText": "Test2",

"variableName": null,

"imageDescription": null






The column mapping looks like:



"1.2#1_2_1_TEXT": {}


But when we retrieve our answers we get



"1.2#1_1_1_1_TEXT": "Test",

"1.2#1_2_1_1_TEXT": "184"




There seems to be an extra _1 being added to the answers which I am unable to find in my questions. => This leads to me not being able to map my answers to the questions.

I contacted support and they double checked that the recode values are set properly but unfortunately they are unable to provide further support on this issue.

Thank you ,

Kind regards

Jelle Verdoodt

@jver_0 , have you tried turning off "recode values"? as far as I know there are some recent changes in Qualtrics API export tags mostly in Matrix and side by side questions.

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