Qualtrics - Mailinglist contacts API | XM Community
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Hi folks,

Are there any known issues with the mailing list contacts API? Im trying to pull the contacts out of a mailing list but getting an "Invalid mailinglistid" when I try. Im fairly sure the mailinglistid is fine as it is returning the correct result on a direct mailing list query. Summary of process below with a made up mailinglist id

Run https://yourdatacenterid.qualtrics.com/API/v3/mailinglists/CG_ABC12345678

Get a correct JSON response including the name etc.

Run https://yourdatacenterid.qualtrics.com/API/v3/mailinglists/CG_ABC12345678/contacts

Get an error back including httpStatus:400 - Bad Request, errorMessage:Invalid mailinglistId., errorCode:GPR_1

Im not sure how/why I can get an invalid mailinglistid when querying for contacts when it works just fine against the mailinglist directly. Im seeing this result on multiple different brands I have access to so it seems to be a more general problem, or something Ive done wrong. Anyone run into this before or have any suggestions?


Sorted it myself.
@MarkCVL , how did you sort it out?
> @MsIreen said:

> @MarkCVL , how did you sort it out?

It was the wrong URL. I switched to using the IQ Directory version and it fixed it.

> @MarkCVL said:

> > @MsIreen said:

> > @MarkCVL , how did you sort it out?


> It was the wrong URL. I switched to using the IQ Directory version and it fixed it.

> https://api.qualtrics.com/docs/list-contacts-in-mailing-list


Oh, it worked for me as well. Thanks a lot!

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