Question text in json | XM Community
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Hi, i'm using the following set of APIs to export survey responses in JSON:
1. Start Response Export
2. Get Response Export Progress
3. Get Response Export File
In the output JSON file, we are getting questions as "QID1", "QID23" etc instead of the actual question (like, "What is your favorite car?")
Is there a way to get the question value in the export json, or is there any separate API call we can make to get the question id: question name mapping?
Thank you!!

Hey user, we do this exact process and you're correct, the response API will only output Question IDs. You'll need to get Survey Definition using the Get Survey API, then marry the two lists, using the survey's definition as a lookup to get the question text. I don't know of a better way, but this has great for us since ~2016! Kinda sucks that it takes 4 API calls, but such is life.

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