Retrieve Single Survey Response | XM Community
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Hello Colleagues,

I am able to download survey responses in zip file using Qualtrics API "Get Response Export File (New)".

Is there any Qualtrics API available where I can retrieve 'single' survey response details using 'response id'? This way I can improve performance when 'Create Subscription' send me 'response_id' and I can ask for response details only for that 'response_id' only. Otherwise I have download all the survey responses in the zip file and retrieve response details for specific 'response_id' provided by 'Create Subscription'.

Best regards,


This used to be an option in the old API (v 2.x), but was removed in v3 API. Unless you previously used v2.x and got grandfathered in, you won't have access to the old API.

There is an outstanding feature request to add this functionality to the v3 API. Please write support and request it (the more people who request it, the higher priority it will get).

Thank you for the quick replay.

I will raise a request for this feature.

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