Searching Email Address using RecipientID | XM Community
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I am setting up a callback to receive "survey completed response" event to our own server.


I am using "surveyengine.completedResponse.{SurveyID}" topic.

I would receive "RecipientID" from the callback. I am trying to use that RecipientID to get the Recipient's Email Address from our mailing list using another API call. Problem for me is, we have multiple mailing lists and it looks like I need to specify mailing list ID in API call, that means, I have to make multiple API calls for each mailing list till I found the match RecipientID in one of those lists.


Please advise if I can make a single call to get the email address of a RecipientID.

Or Is there anyway to setup the surveys so that Survey Completed Response callback will include recipient's email address? I don't want to add the extra input field in the surveys to collect email addresses though ( since the email addresses are already in our mailing lists).

Thank you.

Are you able to build one main mailing list that incorporates all email address solely used for Qualtrics? That would be an easier way to make one API call and retrieve all valid email addresses for completed survey responses.

Thanks for suggestion, but our client will not want to do that. They want to create specific surveys for specific mailing list.
May sound simple but effective. you can create one master mailing list and keep all contacts in there. RecipientID can be appended to each contact. Use Authentication to Pull Email address with matching RecipientID.
Thank you all.

I am now getting all mailing list IDs with one API call, and then calling each mailing list repeatedly to search matching recipient using multiple API calls. I can't ask the client to create a master mailing list.

Anyway, aside from multiple API calls, it's working great. I might try to cache the data in our server to save API calls later.

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