Send respondent email addresses to a third party using API | XM Community
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I would like to send email addresses to a third party using API. Rybbon (an online incentive company) currently works with Qualtrics and is able to send incentives after the completion of a survey. From my understanding at the end of the survey, respondents get a link that directs them to the Rybbon website where they can choose which gift card they would like. What I would like to do is have respondents go to a page/question that says “choose your gift card”, after making their choice they’d hit “next” and be taken to a next page/question that asked for their email address. Once they give their email address I would like to be able to send this information (the email address and gift card selection) to Rybbon without forcing the respondent to leave Qualtrics. We want them to be able to continue on and answer the survey uninterrupted. Instead of being sent to Rybbon we would have a “question” that said thank you, your gift card will be sent to you shortly/soon (or something along those lines). We want to offer the incentive pre-survey completion so we need to make sure that they are not redirected to another site. The question is can this be done and how? We currently have the Qualtrics API module.

I am fairly new to Qualtrics and know next to nothing about API so any help or guidance you can offer would be much appreciated!

@ebony_haley618 ,

You can achieve this triggering API present at the third party(Rybbon), using web service element in the survey flow.

For example, the email address or gift card option is send to api using post method. At the third party side you can capture the data from api and do further actions
Do I need to know programming to do this...because I don't? LOL
> @ebony_haley618 said:

> Do I need to know programming to do this...because I don't? LOL

Yes you require knowledge of server side scripting programming language OR you can ask Rybbon to design such api which can be used by qualtrics client

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