This is typical curl call below but using python referred the api documentation below
code excerpt
import requests
import json
# your data center (for instance, 'co1')
dataCenter = ''
# your API token
apiToken = ''
# your survey ID
surveyId = ''
url = f"https://{dataCenter}{surveyId}/sessions"
headers = {'X-API-TOKEN': apiToken}
payload = {'language': 'EN', "embeddedData": {
"edKey": "edValue",
"customerName": "Kyle"
"recipientId": "MLRP_1234567890",
"distributionId": "EMD_1234567890"}
response =, headers=headers, params=payload)
if response.status_code == 200:
sessionId = json.loads(response.text)s'result']t'sessionId']
print("Session ID:", sessionId)
print("API request failed with status code", response.status_code)
Getting issue below
{"meta":{"requestId":"","httpStatus":"500 - Internal Server Error","error":{"errorCode":"QHRSI_2.0","errorMessage":"Unable to get http body as json. Response: Internal Server Error"}}}
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