UseLabels = True but Choice Text is Not Showing | XM Community
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I am using the API to export survey results, and I want the choice text. This works for some of the questions, and I see the choice text (and compared to an export where the value is not set/False, it is definitely doing something). However, for many other questions, the numeric value is still showing. I have looked at the question types in case it has something to do with that, and the types range through the expected - Text, Matrix, MCSA, MCMA, etc...

Is there a reason why the choice text would not be exported?
Hi @seanna1360! So I can try to replicate the issue, can you provide the code showing the API call you're making? It might look something like what's seen in the screenshot below.

Sure thing - here are the salient snips - cut out some of my debugging etc. Leveraged shamelessly from code provided elsewhere on this site. Files download successfully and useLabels is set to True (with some wrangling because Python).



Hi @seanna1360 - I've extracted a dataset using the API and 'useLabels' = True and am seeing all responses using the answer text. Can you provide screenshots of one question where you're seeing the problem? Screenshots should include the question as seen in the survey editor screen and then also the output that you're seeing in the file extracted from the API.
See below. This is one of many questions where values instead of choice text were returned.



@KeirJ - Any thoughts?
@seanna1360 - Sorry, I'm not sure, to be honest. Have you applied any transformations to the data in the excel file for the screenshot you provided? The format looks different than what I am seeing when I open the download from the test survey I am exporting w/ the API. Also, I'm guessing we're using the same API call but can you confirm what URL is in the variable `downloadRequestUrl`?
@KeirJ - I'll open a support ticket - but in the meantime - yes, I do pivot the the data to make it ready for analysis in Tableau; other than that, no transformations.

downloadRequestUrl is https://{0}
Hi @seanna1360, I'm using a different URL `baseUrl = 'https://{0}{1}/export-responses'.format(dataCenter, surveyId)` for my export. See in the API documentation. Does that help?

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