Using Qualtrics API truncates some text | XM Community
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I am using Qualtrics APi to pull resposnse exports ( I have used the python code from Qualtrics site. I have few Questions whose text is around 1500 characters. When i create csv file those Questions coming as headers are getting truncated and showing only 970 characters. is there something that i am missing?

I am using this code for python

I am having the similar issue. Is there any solution for this problem?

Or is there a way to get JSON responses without the need to download responses?

Thanks. Appreciate any help!
Hey @Beginner! After taking a closer look at your exchange, I believe this is a question our Support team would be best able to handle. If you have not yet already, feel free to reach out to our Integrations / API specialists so they can work with you on this inquiry!

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