What is the API URL to retrieve all the survey responses | XM Community
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I am unable to find the correct URL to retrieve all the survey responses in JSON format, can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance.

See: https://api.qualtrics.com/api-reference/reference/responseImportsExports.json

Thank you Tom for your response.
The shared link will only allow downloading the survey responses in a file.
I want the Survey responses directly in API response JSON format so that I can remove the unnecessary columns programmatically(DOMO) before sending them to the target systems.
Can you share your thoughts on how to achieve my use case?

One of the export formats is json. So when your script exports the json file it would read it, process it, and send it to the target systems.

When I am trying to execute the API through PostMan, The data which is showing in the results is not in a readable(special characters) format because the file is zipped format.
below are the details that i am using it in Postman
{"format": "json"}
Authorization: Bearer token
Headers: Content-Type application/json.

I don't want the data to be exported in file, wanted in a data as response JSON .

I hope i am making some sense here, I am pretty much new to this. Please corret me

You can set the compress parameter to false on the start response export call.

Thank you, Tom, can you tell me where I should add the parameter? do you have any syntax like adding at the headers section or URL?

Tom, can you through light on this please?

I got it Tom, Thank you for your support.
{"format": "json","compress": "false"}

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