whoAmI respond with wrong datacenter | XM Community
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whoAmI respond with wrong datacenter

  • 4 July 2024
  • 3 replies

I make a request GET https://sjc1.qualtrics.com/API/v3/whoami and I have such a response:

    "result": {

        "brandId": "xxxx",

        "userId": "xxxx",

        "userName": "xxxx",

        "accountType": "UT_FREEACCOUNT",

        "firstName": "xxxx",

        "lastName": "xxx",

        "email": "xxxx",

        "datacenter": "awsireland"


    "meta": {

        "requestId": "e117c57d-321a-4268-a0c8-fb5ce3d75559",

        "httpStatus": "200 - OK",

        "notice": "Request proxied. For faster response times, use this host instead: fra1.qualtrics.com"



According to docs, datacenter is 2-3 letter. But why then I have some strange `"datacenter": "awsireland" in response?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +39


That is your datacenter not datacenter id you need ID. Refer this page api.qualtrics.com/1aea264443797-base-url-and-datacenter-i-ds


your id is fra1 probably

Badge +1

@Deepak Thank you!

What the reason of datacenter field in whoami response?

Userlevel 7
Badge +39

It’s the name of the datacenter in Europe which is being used.

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