Add a block of questions right before End of Survey; skip to them only if/when participant has DNQ'd | XM Community
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I am creating several pre-screeners/questionnaires that will determine eligibility based on conditional logic.
Not qualified?
When a person is not qualified (based on any given answer in the questionnaire), I would like to immediately send them to a specific set of questions right before ending the survey. Basically, these would be wrap-up questions for those who DNQ.
If they are qualified, I would like for them to go to the default end of survey (with no additional questions).

An example of questions (for those who didn't qualify) in this block would be...
Sorry you didn't qualify. Would it be okay if we still keep your info on file anyway?
Yes = go to end of survey
No = Go to custom end of survey
This seems like it should be easy, yet I'm running into limitations...
Skip logic only allows me to skip to the next block, or to the default end, but not to a specific block of my choosing. As a result, I've created a complicated nest of Branch logic that has to be repeated over and over again for each eligibility question.
What I would like to have happen is, when a person has DNQ'd, they would skip to a specific block of questions positioned right before the default End of Survey.
If they never DNQ throughout the survey, they would just finish out the survey and arrive at the default End of Survey.

Any advice on how to best design this?

Hi mattcrist ,
Are you using Skip Logic, and Branch Logic in the Survey Flow at the same time? It's usually best to use one or the other, not both together. I haven't seen your survey questions, but based on what you described, I think you should forgo using Skip Logic and just rely on Branch Logic in the Survey Flow. Try removing the Skip Logic and see if the survey behaves the way you want it to.

I don't see how I can just rely on Branch least not the way I designed it.
Here's an example of how one of the questionnaires is designed:
Common Questions:
Q1: Are you 18+ years old?
Yes = Continue to next question
No = DNQ (go to wrap-up questions)
Q2: Do you speak English?
Yes = Continue to next question
No = DNQ (go to wrap-up questions)
Q3: Are you allergic to shellfish?
Yes = Continue to next question
No = DNQ (go to wrap-up questions)

Block of 'wrap-up questions' built in survey library (only shows if they DNQ):
Sorry, you do not qualify to participate in our event.
Q1: Is it okay if we still keep your information on file for consideration of future events?
Yes = Continue to next question
No = skip (skip logic) to Q3 (below)
Q2: Thanks we will keep your info and contact you when another event matches.
Confirm = skip (skip logic) to (default) End of Survey
I changed my mind. Please delete my info. = Continue to Q3 (below)
Q3: In that case, your information will be destroyed at the end of this interview.
Ok, please proceed. Destroy my information from this interview. = go to 'Custom End of Survey'
I changed my mind. Please keep my information on file in consideration of future studies. = go to (default) End of Survey

End of Survey options:
1) Custom End of survey (for those who do not wish to have their info retained)

  • Custom message

  • Does not capture info

2) Default End of survey (for those who qualify and/or choose to have their information retained)
  • Default message

  • Does capture info

If I could (1) add a series of questions to the custom End of Survey when using Branch logic, or if I could (2) skip to the block of my choosing with Skip logic, then this would be more easily done. Unfortunately, Branch and Skip logic don't appear to be capable of doing what I need on their own.
Is there an easier or better design solution that I'm overlooking?

Here's an illustration of what I have in mind...

I think what might work without creating a branch after each potential DNQ is to put all the Qualifying questions in a block, set the value of the affirmative (qualifying) answer to 0, set the value of the negative (disqualifying) answer to 1. Create a scoring parameter that adds up the score of each of these questions, then create a branch logic so that if score >= 1, they branch to the DNQ closing of the survey. If it is equal to zero they can continue as normal.

Branching logic is very similar to skip, so for the DNQ1 if they want to not have their data stored immediately, make it in the survey flow that if they choose that they go to end of survey. Rather than using skip logic.

Hope this makes sense! Hard to illustrate with text sometimes!

Thanks for sharing the illustration. I think this can be done by using Display Logic in Q2-Q6 and Branching in the Survey Flow.
Here's how the Display Logic would be set up in each question, using Q1-Q3 as an example; you get the idea for the rest. This makes sure that the questions are only shown when the answer to the prior question is Yes.
image.pngAnd here is how the Survey Flow would be set up. The DNQ wrap-up questions are in a separate block, and that block only appears if No is selected in any of Q1-Q6, followed by the custom EOS object. If Yes is selected for all Q1-Q6, the respondents will "skip" the DNQ block and see the default EOS message.
Another way this might be done, entirely in the Survey Flow, is by putting Q1-Q6 in separate blocks and using Branch Logic to show the DNQ block and custom EOS each time (in other words, setting up 6 identical Branch Logic pieces). With this approach you would not have to set up Display Logic in Q2-Q6.

@Matthew M
Thank you for your help. It worked for me.

wpm24 thanks for this idea, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get it to 'skip' at the point that the value equals 1. I'm having to finish the entire block before the branching action occurs. Is there a way to make it happen as soon as a question is answered incorrectly (and value would equal 1)?
Here is what the current configuration looks like in the survey flow...
All 19 of the questions are Multiple choice, yes/no questions. I have assigned a default scoring value of 0 for affirmative (qualifying) answers, and a value of 1 for negative (disqualifying) answers.

MatthewM thanks, I didn't think about using display logic in that way. As I suspected, there are several ways to do it. Since I will be recreating several similar surveys, I'm looking for the most efficient way, and I think this method could be very useful.

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