Add a "Clear and start over" button? | XM Community
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Hello wonderful community and good morning from a cloudy Sweden! 

Once again I find myself in a place where something seemingly easy turned out a bit more complex than I initially thought. 


The setup:

I have a “survey” where the selections a person makes is all summarized on the last page. 

The selections is in one black and the “read out of the selections” is on another block (out of a total of four blocks).

The problem: 

This is something that is supposed to be used and re-used several times without always hitting the “Submit” button. Although I have settings in place that “Prevent multiple submissions = Off” and “Allow respondents to finish later” I still always end up in the final block and not in the beginning as I would like to. I think this is because they are split up in the different blocks and Qualtrics does not wander backwards over the blocks when I come back into the “survey”.  


I have tried: 

...creating a Table of Contents to get a quick link back to the first page. But I feel the layout of the little hamburger menu that keeps extending not visually appealing and not really intuitive as it’s visual throughout all pages. I tried the button setup, but then that button stays on all pages and is not really a link back. This setup also does not clear the selections previously made. 


...adding Java Script that I have found on this community, but I have still not been able to get it to work. Ideally I would want a button that takes me back to the first page and that clears all previous selections.  


This picture show how I would like it to work (also shows my awesome skills in MS Paint :)


Does anyone have any advice on how I can solve this? 

Thanks in advance




You can create the button for clear and start over and include the link to the survey in it when clicked e.g. <button onclick="window.location.href = 'link"> and turn off the allow respondents to finish later settings in survey. So that whenever clicks on it you can redirect them to start over.
Additionally, if this is anonymous survey it would be easy but if its email distribution you need to custom create that link.
Hope it helps!




You can create the button for clear and start over and include the link to the survey in it when clicked e.g. <button onclick="window.location.href = 'link"> and turn off the allow respondents to finish later settings in survey. So that whenever clicks on it you can redirect them to start over.
Additionally, if this is anonymous survey it would be easy but if its email distribution you need to custom create that link.
Hope it helps!



Wow, it really was just that simple :D


Thanks @Deepak !

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