'Add a Referral URL' not working? | XM Community
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Our research survey was hit by incentive-chasing bots on 21/10 and so we region-locked the survey and added a reCAPTCHA, which worked until today, when the bots started spoofing IP addresses from our region.
As we don't publicize the direct survey link, only a page on our website (with an image and hyperlink to the survey), we tried adding a Referral URL for that page. Unfortunately, it won't allow access (either with or without a / at the end of the URL). I've reached out to Support but I'm wondering if there's anything further that I can troubleshoot. We want to keep the bots out but still be able to recruit legitimate participants.

I feel stupid for asking, but you have selected all the Security measures in the Survey, right? Like that Referral URL thing you mention?

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/51195#Comment_51195Yes, everything except the password option.

The URL should exactly match the website URL. Make sure you enter the website URL exactly as it is. You can visit that webpage and copy the URL to avoid any errors.
image.pngIf you are already doing this step correctly your website might not have correct permissions as mentioned below
image.pngCheck out more here
Hope it helps!

I tried that (it's a short URL, i.e., domain.org/survey) and both myself and another team member have tried it, both with and without a / at the end. No luck. Support have let me know they're looking into it. Thanks though!

Have you added Referer or Q_URL to the embedded data? What is coming through when you submit a test survey with it? Perhaps a way to see what the URL looks like for Qualtrics.

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